The main activities of Vysočina Education, an organisation which allocates EU structural fund grants in the district of Vysočina, are teacher training, the preparation and implementation of projects with EU structural fund support in the field of regional and national schooling, and networking experts and schools to facilitate greater quality in education processes in schools and school institutions. Vysočina Education successfully implemented several projects financed by the EU structural funds – ESF and ERDF – in the previous period and therefore has an excellent, well-trained and experienced project management team comprising its own and external staff. The organisation also employs two project managers who monitor all project activities.

In the previous period, Vysočina Education implemented several projects with funding from the EU structural funds – ESF and ERDF – in the role of project applicant and of project partner; see OP VK (National sustainable operational programme, ESF):

  • Methodik in Englisch, fokussiert auf die neuen Methoden für Fremdsprachunterricht und die Methode CLIL, Partner British Council
  • Direktor - Manager der lernenden Organisation, Vermittlung desKonzeptes Schule als lernende Organisation und der Methode für Autoevaluation der Schule CAF
  • Lehrer - Mentor, Weiterbildung der Lehrer/innen zum gegenseitigen professionellen Erfahrungsaustausch und zu den Mentoring -Fertigkeiten
  • Förderung der gesunden Lebensweise in den Schulen des Kreises Vysočina Vom ETZ AT-CZ 2007 – 2013 z. B.:
    • IB-KSP, Projektpartner
    • EDU.REGION, Projektpartner 

Other projects: